Floris of London

The year 1730
JOHN FAMENIAS FLORIS, the founder of FLORIS, and his wife Elizabeth started selling perfumes, combs and shaving products in London's fashionable St James's Quarter.
The Floris shop they opened at 89 Jermyn Street remains the heart of the business and is still run by their descendants today.
A letter from Robert Floris written to his parents in Jermyn Street while he was looking for ingredients abroad. A journey that inspired Neroli Voyage Eau de Parfum.
The practice of taking a written page and turning it a quarter turn before continuing to write on it is known as cross writing, popular in the 18th and 19th centuries due to the high cost of paper and postage.
FLORIS received its first royal warrant as a manufacturer of soft-pointed combs for HM King George IV. Skilfully crafted combs were a Floris speciality at the time, along with a collection of toothbrushes and mouthwashes, highly valued by the company's elite clientele.
The year of the world-famous Great Exhibition. The exhibition was held in Hyde Park, just off Jermyn Street.
The Spanish mahogany cabinets and glassware purchased at the exhibition are still in the Floris shop today.
Florence Nightingale had returned from the Crimean War and was busy establishing a training school for nurses at St. Thomas's Hospital in Waterloo.
In our Jermyn Street shop we display this treasured letter written by Florence Nightingale in 1863 to "Mr Floris" thanking him for his "beautiful sweet smelling posies".
Mary Anne Floris married James R.D. Bodenham. In July 1871 the first of their children was born. Soon after, they moved into the family home "dear old Ivy Lodge", where they lived for another 50 years. In 1878, James and Mary Anne took over the family business from Mary Anne's brother Joseph.
An invoice with receipt dated December 1934 for fragrances purchased by Winston Churchill, including Eau de Toilette Special N°127 and Stephanotis, both of which are still available in the Floris Signature Collection.
Floris products continued to be handmade on the premises of the 89 Jermyn Street shop; Michael Bodenham (seventh generation descendant) begins work on his next creation. work on his next creation.
Ian Fleming, writer and creator of James Bond, was a regular Floris customer and first featured the products in his novel Moonraker in 1955.
Eau de Toilette No 89 was created the year before the publication of his first novel in 1951 and the scent soon became a favourite of the creator of James Bond.
During the 1950s, Floris was exporting more and more orders to the United States, where the brand was gaining popularity. A receipt from our collection dated December 1959 shows a purchase of Rose Geranium made for Marilyn Monroe Miller while she was staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel in California.
To meet the growing demand, the Floris family established a factory in Devon, which was officially opened by Her Royal Highness Princess Diana in 1989.
To this day, Floris soaps are hand-wrapped at the Devon facility.
Tucked away at the back of the shop at 89 Jermyn Street is the Floris Perfumery, home to the
Floris Perfumery, where all Floris fragrances have been created since 1730. In 2006, Floris opened the doors to launch a Bespoke Fragrance Service, giving people a unique opportunity to create their own perfume, with the guided expertise of Floris perfumers.
On the occasion of Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee, Floris launched Royal Arms - Diamond Edition, originally created to celebrate the Queen's birth in 1926.
As the only perfumer to hold a Royal Warrant from the Queen, Floris produced a limited edition of the fragrance, decanted in 6 antique crystal dressing table bottles discovered in 1914.
In 2017, Floris undertook the first refurbishment of the 89 Jermyn Street shop in over 100 years, carefully protecting the Grade II listed building.
In 2017, to celebrate the refurbishment, Floris also unveiled two new projects:
1. a newly realised museum space at the rear of the shop showcasing a collection of Floris' archive items, and
2. The Ledger series, which re-launches 8 fragrances from customer books dating back centuries.
2017 also marked the first year of Floris' appearance at both Chelsea Flower Show and Hampton Court Garden Festival. Organised by the Royal Horticultural Society, Floris sampled a collection of the best-loved floral and herbaceous scents.
In 2018, Edward Bodenham, head of perfumery and 9th generation Floris family member, became Floris's new generation Floris family, became a proud member of the British Society of Perfumers, which was Perfumers, founded over 50 years ago by perfumers to help gain recognition and status in the perfume industry. recognition and status in the fragrance industry.